Jesus tells us of a feast where we invite those who are unable to repay (Matthew 22). This is the Gospel. God has prepared a banquet for us. He has footed the bill and invited us - the blind, lame and crippled by sin. We come and we are never able to repay the infinite price of this Banquet, where Christ is the true bread we feast from. This banquet is motivated by an eternal and historical act. Imagine sitting at a table with the poor and the rich, people who are Black, White, Brown and Yellow... all gathering to feast and declare a picture of God's great marriage supper!
The City of Hope Outreach seeks to connect with people to have an enjoyable Thanksgiving Banquet. Over the past few years, CoHO has been able to bless and experience blessings by sharing in this Banquet. This is an opportunity for residents and Christians from outside of the community to come together and celebrate a Thanksgiving meal with all the fixings. Partnering with local churches and business, food is cooked and served with music and fellowship.
The City of Hope Outreach seeks to connect with people to have an enjoyable Thanksgiving Banquet. Over the past few years, CoHO has been able to bless and experience blessings by sharing in this Banquet. This is an opportunity for residents and Christians from outside of the community to come together and celebrate a Thanksgiving meal with all the fixings. Partnering with local churches and business, food is cooked and served with music and fellowship.